Customer Service: 877-421-9490
Made in the USA


Have a general question about Wikk® and it's various accessibility solutions? Complete the form below. For sales inquiries, consult our list of Sales Reps to find the Wikk® representative who services your area.

General Inquiries

Customer Service



Kyle Holloway
Director of Sales

Brian Hawthorne

Wikk Industries, Inc.

6169A Industrial Ct.
Greendale, WI 53129

Phone: 414-421-9490

Toll-Free: 877-421-9490


"Wikk INGRESS'R has proven to be reliable and an exceptional value. Combine that with the fantastic ongoing support we receive from Wikk."

- Ron Couch, Central Indiana Hardware
"With over 35 years in the industry, Wikk Industries is dedicated to being a leader in accessibility and providing exceptional customer service."

- Alan Pfund, Special Projects Group
"We specify the Wikk INGRESS'R for a variety of building types and opening applications. Our customers appreciate its quality, functionality and ease of use."

- Todd Farrell, Trillium Architectural Products
"The Wikk INGRESS'R is simple, innovative and versatile enough to be used in a huge variety of applications."

- Todd Farrell, Trillium Architectural Products
"The team at Wikk is a pleasure to work with. Whether we need information on pricing, availability or custom applications, they always come through for us."

- Todd Farrell, Trillium Architectural Products
"We appreciate Wikk's high-quality product and outstanding service. We're proud to be a Canadian partner."

- Todd Farrell, Trillium Architectural Products
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